Proofreading: Yes, it is important

Why do people think that proofreading isn’t necessary?  I see so many things online and in real life that should have been proofread.  Spelling and grammar mistakes make a lasting impression.  If I see a sign that has a misspelled word on it, I will remember it for a long time.  This also applies to the Internet.  If I am looking to have work done by a company, I always check out their website.  If their website is riddled with misspelled words and bad grammar, I probably won’t end up using their company.  To me it just says, “I don’t care enough.”  I know in real life it usually means “I’m too busy.”   My suggestion is to always have someone else look over your website content, sign text, or newsletter.  A second set of eyes can make all the difference in the world.


About invisiblebusinesssolutions

Gina Cozza is a talented administrative professional with a love for learning. These talents along with her desire to help people succeed are the reasons she created Invisible Business Solutions. With over 20 years experience in the engineering industry, serving both government and small business sectors, Gina has proven her success time and again. In 1989, Gina started working for the US Bureau of Mines as an intern. She worked her way through high school and college gaining many different skills along the way. In 1993, she transitioned to the small business sector working for a geologist. While working in a small office, she learned many different aspects of the business including accounting and field work. When the business closed in 1998, Gina began working for another small engineering firm in Spokane, WA. Gina quickly worked her way up from office assistant to office manager within the small engineering firm. During her 12 years as office manager, Gina took on many responsibilities within the organization including but not limited to client relations, document review, collections, accounts receivable, accounts payable, environmental field work, as well as many other administrative tasks. Gina learned quickly that working for small business requires you to “wear many different hats.” She found that she loved the diversity of the job. In 2009, Gina opened Invisible Business Solutions. The primary focus of Invisible Business Solutions is assisting businesses with their administrative needs. This includes a variety of services, such as document review, transcription, collections, or contact management. Gina has extensive experience with all aspects of Microsoft Office Suite, dealing with many administrative areas any small business may have. Gina realizes that technology is advancing daily and businesses need to keep up with social media in order to prosper. She tries to educate herself in order to understand this ever evolving technology in order to help her clients stay on top of the social media market.
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